

该项目位于亨德利县,占地100英亩, 就在佛罗里达州奥基乔比湖以南, 靠近南佛罗里达广阔的甘蔗种植区, 为纤维厂提供一些甘蔗渣原料. The site offers a number of key logistical advantages: (i) the major east/west trucking route of FL-27, which connects the Project to the 佛罗里达 East Coast Railroad’s (“FEC”) Lake Harbor Terminal; (ii) the Project is situated on 100 acres of farmland in Clewiston, FL.; and (iii) the fact that the processing facility is located nearby sugar companies growing and harvesting the sugarcane. FEC将该项目连接到皮尔斯堡港, 目前为亨德利县和棕榈滩县的糖业农场提供服务. FEC provides access to all major rail locations through the CSX and Norfolk Southern transfer station in Jacksonville.


bet9九州平台入口由700人组成,在奥基乔比湖及其周围的佛罗里达州中部南部的1000英亩农田. 约500,其中000英亩用于种植甘蔗, which is grown and harvested and delivered to large sugar processing companies in the area. 剩余的甘蔗渣(生物质)通常被焚烧或以其他方式丢弃, and SRF plans to use a significant portion of this leftover feedstock to convert to pulp fiber, 不仅要满足不断增长的对非森林砍伐纸浆纤维来源的需求, 同时也提高了人们对废弃生物质处理的环保意识.


东南可再生燃料有能力创造最高质量的纸浆纤维, 由环保的植物废料制成. 最明显的是, the feedstock that the SRF plant will be using (as a replacement from deforestation) is exclusively from agricultural waste, and is harvested and delivered within a strict 35-mile radius of the plant (thus cutting down on the environmental impact of transporting over great distances). Example products made from pulp: Paper towel, napkins, toilet paper and other consumer products.


Southeast Renewable Fuels has made tremendous progress since initially developing its overall business plan and first project. 以下是我迄今为止取得的成就:

签了15年的销售合同 & 与世界最大的纸浆纤维销售商Ekman集团签订销售协议. 埃克曼集团35%的担保购买保证了100%的债务偿还.

与AgroPulp达成协议, 印度纸浆纤维生产设备的主要供应商, 工艺工程和技术供应商



该项目包括一个纸浆厂, 可再生能源发电厂, 污水处理厂, 以及位于克莱维斯顿100英亩的现场仓库, 该工厂将每天生产300多吨(“BDTPD”)漂白纸浆. The pulp mill will be constructed under a 建设 and equipment procurement agreement with AgroPulp, 全球领先的纸浆纤维工厂供应商.




亚伦胡椒, 3月4日出生, 1949年在布鲁克林, NY, 我毕业于长岛大学, 布鲁克林的校园, 1972. Pepper graduated with two Bachelor’s Degrees (Business Management and Physical Education). 佩珀还拥有纽约城市学院健康教育硕士学位. 1972-1974年,他是纽约市教育委员会的体育教师. He entered the business world in 1974 as President and founder of Starline Novelties, 公司., 霍尔布鲁克的, NY, a poster and school products manufacturer and distributor of licensed products of the NFL, NBA, 大联盟, NHL, 迪斯尼, 华纳兄弟. 以及众多摇滚明星和其他儿童财产……阅读更多

他把业务扩展到加拿大、欧洲和澳大利亚. 胡椒也是可口可乐公司的独家优质供应商. 所有的体育营销项目. 他在2004年卖掉了公司. 从那以后,Pepper一直是一位积极的房地产投资者和开发商. Mr. 佩珀的专长是业务发展和融资. He started Southeast Renewable Fuels in 2008 and is currently building a $200mm diversified industrial facility in Clewiston, 佛罗里达.
卡洛斯·里昂达博士.E. 执行副总裁

Carlos Rionda是一位专业工程师,也是SRF的总裁. 在加入SRF之前,Mr. Rionda was Vice President of 佛罗里达 Crystals Corporation and General Manager and Vice President of Osceola Farms Company, 佛罗里达水晶公司的子公司. 在那之前,先生. 里昂达是环球集团的首席执行官, Gang - Nail系统, 总部设在佛罗里达州,向Redland PLC的总经理汇报工作, 在英国. Mr.Rionda has significant manufacturing, engineering and management experience of process industries….阅读更多

另外, 他在甘蔗收割方面有专长, 运输加工, 原糖和糖蜜的运输和物流, 以及金属冲压, 制造和液压.

唐Markley became 执行副总裁 of SRF in 2008 after serving in a similar position for Losonoco, 公司. 在此之前. 马克利曾与马尔科姆·皮尔尼公司合作. 自1990年起担任雇员或顾问, 在废物管理项目的各个方面都有经验, 包括回收, 废物转化为能源, 资源回收设施. 他的经验包括:项目开发, 许可和设计阶段, 合同谈判, 施工和运行监控. 此外,Mr。. Markley served as a resident 建设 manager on five 废物转化为能源 facilities in 佛罗里达 with a value of over $1 billion in capital improvements…阅读更多

作为高级项目经理, 他负责提供合同的执行和监督, 包括许可和设计阶段, 合同谈判, 建设, and operations monitoring for 废物转化为能源 资源回收设施 in the following locations: Broward County, 佛罗里达; the city of Tampa; the counties of Lee and Lake in 佛罗里达; Fairfax County in Virginia;, 和新泽西州联合县公用事业管理局. Mr. Markley has overseen operations on behalf of municipal owners of facilities processing more than 3.每年处理500万吨城市垃圾和可回收材料. 在他加入马尔科姆·皮尔尼公司之前., Mr. Markley曾担任Hayden-Wegman咨询工程师公司的现场工程师. 对于设计, 建设 and start-up of the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County Resource Recovery Facility.



Mr. 保罗, 核工程师兼律师, 是国会能源公司的总裁和管理成员, 有限责任公司, 一家专门从事能源相关事务的政府事务咨询公司. Jerry formerly served as the elected representative of 佛罗里达’s 71st district in the 佛罗里达 House of Representatives. His primary areas of focus have been energy, environment, national and homeland security…阅读更多

他在佛罗里达州和华盛顿都很受欢迎.C. 作为能源政策和政府在能源转型中的主导声音. He also serves as the Distinguished Energy Fellow on the faculty at the University of Tennessee, 霍华德·贝克公共政策中心.

Mr. 保罗 formerly served as America’s Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Administrator of the U.S. 国家核安全局. 由主席委任. 布什2月大选. 2004年,并得到了美国的确认.S. 参议院. 作为首席运营官, 他管理着国家核安全局的企业,其中包括100亿美元的预算,000年的联邦, military and contractor personnel charged with carrying out the national security responsibilities of the U.S. 能源部. Some of his responsibilities included ensuring the reliability, security and safety of the U.S. 核武器综合体, reducing the global threat of nuclear proliferation and the spread of weapons of mass destruction, 提供U.S. 海军与安全, efficient nuclear propulsion power plants for its submarine and aircraft carrier fleet and responding to nuclear and radiological emergencies both in the U.S. 在世界范围内. Mr. 保罗目前是国会授权的指定成员, National Academy of Sciences Study Committee for the Evaluation of Quantification of Margins and Uncertainty Methodology Applied to the Certification of the Nation’s Nuclear Weapons Stockpile.

Dr. 马可一. 贝兹Vasquez,
Ph.D., MBA. 首席科学官

麻省理工学院的博士后工作., Ph.D. 和MSc.-伦敦国王学院,英国伦敦大学,MBA -蒙特雷理工学院.、墨西哥. 20年工业生物技术和可再生能源领域工作经验. Strong track record for directing/project management of research and development operations in Europe, 南美…阅读更多

& U.S. innovation and commercialization integration of systems biology, genomics, proteomics

和生物信息学. Strain and fermentation process development experience for the production of enzymes, 生物聚合物和治疗蛋白. 在纤维素生物质到生物燃料、生物炼制和绿色化学方面有丰富的经验. Hold several patents and participated in peer review platform programs for various agencies.

杰森Langdale 农业顾问

杰森R. Langdale, 佛罗里达当地的农民/顾问, 专做“甘蔗高粱”, 有超过二十年的农业经验和商业背景. 在建立自己的咨询公司之前,他是一名律师. Langdale, 美国糖业公司前执行团队成员, 成功管理55人以上,000英亩的甘蔗. 认证作物顾问, 美国农业部品种选择委员会成员, 国家保护与资源学会董事会成员, 地区排水区委员会委员(2006-2009), 还有几块甘蔗地的奖励. 美国农业部过去的出版物…阅读更多

Enhancement of Sugarcane Germplasm for Development of Cultivars and Sustainable Productions, 题目:甘蔗的高效叶绿素荧光测量. 杰森, 糖业的“知名”农民, 目前正在为世界上一些最大的公司提供咨询服务. 协助公司/农民
基础设施(农场设计、人员和组织). Mr. 朗代尔的主要任务是提供信息, 为改善“农业”产业提供知识和服务.




    Ft. 佛罗里达州劳德代尔市,33309

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